Steven Groeger

Steven Groeger

A Puissant Knight’s visit to Rome

Submitted by P.Kt. Andy Milligan. RCC437 and 450 On a recent holiday to Rome, I was really delighted to be able to stop by the impressive Arch of Constantine whilst on a walking tour with my wife. The triumphal arch…

Grand Imperial Conclave Appointments 2023-24

RCC Grand Officers Sash

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the following appointments have been made in Grand Imperial Conclave:- – Ill. Kt. John Herbert Prizeman promoted to the active rank of Grand Senior General – Ill. Kt. Jonathan Charles Whitaker promoted to…

New Intendant General, Surrey

On Saturday 22nd April a new Intendant General was to be installed at the Divisional Conclave meeting in Croydon, Surrey and our Intendant General, R.Ill.Kt Steven Groeger, Deputy Intendant General, V.Ill.Kt. Kevin Todd MBE and Divisional Recorder, Ill. Kt. Mark Denton…

The Garden of England

On a cold and wet morning, with occasional flurries of light snow, the Intendant General, R. Ill. Kt. Steve Groeger and the Divisional Recorder, Ill. Kt. Mark Denton set off on a trip to Gillingham, Kent. We were not looking…

New Members at Border Conclave

Border Conclave N0.168 Banner

At Alton this week, Border Conclave of the Red Cross of Constantine (the only Conclave in the North East Area) welcomed two new members, in the presence of the Intendant General – Past Intendent General, Roger Bicknell became a Joining…

Travels across the country

On Saturday 25th February our Intendant General, R. Ill. Kt. Steven Groeger made a trip to St. Albans for the annual meeting of the Division of Hertfordshire.  It was a wonderful meeting led by their Intendant General, R.Ill. Kt. Terry…

Merry Christmas

Rt. Ill. Kt. Steven Groeger  and V. Ill. Kt Kevin Todd MBE and their families  wish all the Knights of the  Division of Hampshire and Isle of Wight a Very Merry Christmas and  a Happy and Prosperous New Year  

Double Deputy

On Wednesday 25th May, Rt. Ill. Kt. Steven Groeger, our Intendant General, attended the Province of Surrey’s annual Royal Arch Chapter convocation at United Grand Lodge in London. This was a special occasion as it saw our Deputy Intendant General,…