Milestone in Hampshire and Isle of Wight

On Thursday 6th February the Division of Hampshire and Isle of Wight in the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine performed the Appendant Orders ceremony for the first time as a Division and not in individual Conclaves. 

The meeting was hosted by St Peter and St Paul Conclave, which is the Division’s Past Sovereigns Conclave and was attended by about 50 knights from across all the Conclaves in the Division.

At this first meeting three candidates were installed into the Appendant Orders by a team of experienced Knights. The 1st Point was performed by the Intendant General, R.Ill.Kt. Steven Groeger with the 2nd and 3rd points being performed by Ill. Kt. Guy Sudron and P. Kt. Graham Jickells respectively, with knights from the Conclaves performing the other offices. 

Those in attendance witnessed an excellent ceremony and afterwards about 45 W.Kts attended a wonderful festive board. 

The Division will be holding another Appendant Orders ceremony at King Aethelwulf Conclave in June at which another experienced team will confer these wonderful orders on about ten candidates. 

Intendant General, R.Ill.Kt. Steven Groeger with the three KHS candidates and the Deputy Intendant General, V.Ill.Kt. Kevin Todd MBE
Intendant General, R.Ill.Kt. Steven Groeger with the three KHS candidates and the Deputy Intendant General, V.Ill.Kt. Kevin Todd MBE
Divisional and Conclave team that took part in the Appendant orders ceremony at St Peter and St Paul Conclave
Divisional and Conclave team that took part in the Appendant orders ceremony at St Peter and St Paul Conclave