On Monday 19th February 2024, after a four month break in official visits, the Intendant General R. Ill. Kt Steven Groeger and the Divisional team made an official visit to Mystic Rose Conclave in Woolston.
There were 26 members of the Divisional team in attendance, which included 8 members of the Divisional Sepulchre guard. This was a wonderful turnout from the Divisional team following such a long duration since the last official visit.

The business of the conclave was to install Ill. Kt. Mark Gannaway and E.Kt. Anton Smith as the Most Puissant Sovereign and Eminent Viceroy respectively. The installation of the Most Puissant Sovereign was performed excellently by M.P.Kt. Barry Barnes and the installation of Eminent Viceroy was performed in a similar manner by Ill. Kt Mark Gannaway. Once the installation was completed Ill. Kt. Mark installed his conclave officers.

Following the meeting we all had a very jovial and enjoyable after proceedings.
The Intendant General and his team thank the Conclave for a wonderful meeting and look forward to visiting them again in the future.