Team visits to Divisional AGM’s

On Saturday 13th July the Intendant General and Deputy Intendant General had an early start in order to attend the Divisional meeting of East Anglia which is held in Bury St Edmunds.

Both arrived in plenty of time to enjoy a nice coffee and a bacon sandwich sitting in the garden and basking in the sun whilst chatting with the other attendees. 

They then enjoyed a lovely meeting presided over by their Intendant General, R.Ill.Kt Dr. John Elmore at which Puissant Knight Perry Balls was installed as the new Deputy Intendant-General in an excellent ceremony by the Intendant General. We wish him all the best in his new office and look forward to seeing him at other Divisional visits.

The meeting was followed by a nice drink in the garden and then a wonderful festive board. 

They has an uneventful journey home, which is always the best journey to have.  They look forward to attending ing again next year.


Intendant General, R.Ill.Kt Steven Groeger and Deputy Intendant General, V.Ill.Kt. Kevin Todd MBE
Intendant General, R.Ill.Kt Steven Groeger and Deputy Intendant General, V.Ill.Kt. Kevin Todd MBE
Intendant's General at the East Anglia Divisional Conclave meeting
Intendant Generals attending the East Anglia Divisional meeting

Then on Saturday 27th July, some of the executive made their way to Twickenham for the Annual meeting of the Division of Middlesex.

From the photo on the right you can see that the Intendant General and the Divisional Eusebius were in attendance, but who is that hiding in the background. Have a guess and then click on the image see whether you were correct.   Yes, it is the Deputy Intendant General.

This was  a very special meeting, as M.Ill.Kt. Graham Leslie Flight, G.C.C., Grand Sovereign, was in attendance with an impressive delegation of active Grand Officers and sixteen members of his Grand Sepulchre Guard, to install R.Ill.Kt. Dr Silverio Ostrowski as the Intendant-General for the Division of Middlesex.

Grand Sovereign and team after installation of new IG and Deputy IG
Grand Sovereign and team after installation of new IG and Deputy IG

The Grand team were joined by many Intendants-General from other Divisions, a healthy number of visitors and many members of the Middlesex Division.

All in attendance saw a very impressive show put on by the Grand Imperial Conclave team when they installed the new Intendant General.

Once installed R.Ill.Kt. Silverio proceeded to Appoint, Obligate, Invest and Install his Deputy Intendant-General, M.P.Kt. Steve Vanhinsbergh in an impressive, warm and friendly manner.

Deputy Intendant General, Grand Sovereign and the Intendant General
Deputy Intendant General, Grand Sovereign and the Intendant General

Following the meeting everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal which was finished off with slices of delicious rum cake baked by Ill.Kt. Jerry Gangadeen. 

After proceedings at the Middlesex Divisional meeting
After proceedings at the Middlesex Divisional meeting
Grand Sovereign responding to his toast
Grand Sovereign responding to his toast

Our thanks to R.Ill.Kt. Silverio and the Knights of his Division for a wonderful meeting and we hope they will invite us again next year.