IG’s Address – 2022

Worthy Knights, this is the second occasion on which I have been able to address you at our Annual Divisional Conclave, although the first in person as the previous time was at a virtual meeting.

Firstly may I pay tribute to the members of this Division that were mentioned in our requiem earlier.

  • Ill. Kt. James Mundy   19/11/2021 Forest Rose Conclave 265 and Mystic Rose Conclave No 464
  • P. Kt. Christopher Boorman 19/12/2021   Mystic Rose Conclave No 464

Their devotion and dedication to this Order was immense.  They were both well known to us, and had served this Order faithfully and diligently for a considerable number of years.  They will be sorely missed by us all.

The Division held an especial meeting at the Botley Masonic Centre on 12th November 2021, to celebrate the Sesquicentenary of both the Division and Naval & Military Conclave No. 35, as well as my confirmation in office as your Intendant General. There were many W. Kt’s of the Division and honoured guests from other Divisions in attendance. This meeting was further honoured by a visit from the Grand Sovereign, Most Illustrious Knight, Graham Leslie Flight, and the Deputy Grand Sovereign, Peter Hawken, who were accompanied by a team of Grand Officers.

At this meeting Right Illustrious Knight Roger Bricknell, was invested with his regalia as a Knight Commander of Constantine, being unavoidable absent from Grand Imperial Conclave meeting due to his having Covid. 

As well as the sesquicentenary celebrations, we also celebrated some especial events by two Ill. Kts of the Division at that meeting, Ill. Kt. Terry Bruty, celebrated 60 years in Red Cross masonry, an achievement that not many attain, and Ill. Kt. John Makin who celebrated his 90th birthday. Both these Ill. Kts. were honoured with a field promotion by the Grand Sovereign to the rank of Past Grand Junior General. We congratulate them both on receiving this honour. 

I would now like to congratulate all those who will be appointed to or promoted in Grand Imperial Conclave early next month.

On Promotion: 

  • Ill. Kt. William Whitfield   to Past Grand High Almoner – which makes him a V. Ill. Kt. 
  • Ill. Kt. John Murray          to Past Grand Chamberlain
  • Ill. Kt. Ken Prestige          to Past Grand Chamberlain

On first Appointment:  

  • P. Kt. Francis Rhodes-Brown    as Past Grand Vice Chamberlain

We also have W. Kt. Paul Jeans  a member of the Divisional Sepulchre Guard who is to become a member of the Grand Sepulchre guard

These appointments and promotions are all well-deserved and follow many years of dedicated service to the Order.  I look forward to seeing you all in London for your Investiture and I trust many of you will no doubt be supporting them.

I congratulate all those that have been appointed to office today. It is an honour that is well deserved by you all.  I look forward to working with you during the next year.  I would remind you all that you are expected to attend as many official visits as you can, that also includes those promoted to a Past Divisional Rank, as we treat you all as active for this year. 

In the year 2021 to 2022 we have installed several new members, several of whom are able to be with us today.  

Would you please stand as I call your names.  They are:-

  • W.Kt. Dean Sharpe       23/11/21 Holy Rood Conclave No 319 (in attendance)
  • W.Kt. Uzoma Umekwe  2/11/21   Mystic Rose Conclave No 464
  • W.Kt. David Hannan 3/3/22     Border Conclave No 168
  • W.Kt. Bruce Forest       14/3/22   Naval & Military Conclave No 35
  • W.Kt. Mark Taylor         5/5/22     Border Conclave No 168
  • W.Kt. Philip Little ? Forest Rose Conclave No 265   (in attendance)
  • W.Kt. Peter Giles 23/6/22 King Aethelwulf Conclave No 437

W.Kt.’s of the Division of Hampshire and Isle of Wight, I introduce to you our new Knights.  I trust you will give them a hearty welcome whenever you see them, and provide them with help, guidance and companionship in this wonderful Order  — They are the future.

Having been unable to install any new knights during the masonic suspension used by Covid, recruitment and retention need to be our major preoccupation for the coming year.  You are all well aware that the best method of recruitment is for each member to make approaches to individuals about joining us.  I would remind Sovereigns and Viceroys that they should be bringing in an individual each in their year of office.  But this does not mean that the rest of us can stand back and watch. We also have a recruitment presentation which my Deputy would be happy to give at any meeting where requested.

My senior team have made many visits in this Division and to other Divisions. Firstly I must thank the other Divisions for their kindness and warm welcome on our visits to them. It is one of the great privileges of being part of the senior team to be allowed to attend other Divisional Meetings.

All the visits within the Division have been marked by the warmth of the welcome and the sincerity of the ceremonies we have witnessed. The visits within our own Division are enhanced by the support of the active Officers, the Divisional Sepulchre Guard and the many Grand Officers that attend with us. They all have my grateful thanks; their support has been wonderful. 

I now wish to acknowledge the immense amount of work undertaken by my Senior Team, V Ill KT Kevin Todd MBE, my deputy; Ill Kt Tony Bargrove my Venerable Divisional Eusebius; P. Kt. Roger Curtis, the Divisional Marshall; Ill Kt Mark Denton, the Divisional Recorder. Their advice and guidance continues to be invaluable to me. I also include in these thanks, the Deputy Divisional Marshall, Ill Kt Chris Davies and the Divisional Assistant recorder, Ill Kt Robert Castle, both of whom have worked tirelessly for the Division.

The Captain of the Guard, Ill Kt Mark Gannaway and Deputy Captain of the Guard, W Kt Stephen Abrahams, and all members of the Divisional Sepulchre Guard who play such a substantial role with in this Division, not only on Official Visits but on all Appendant Orders Ceremonies. They have my grateful thanks for all they do.

We have had 2 successful functions this year.

Following a drop in numbers attending the Red Cross of Constantine ladies night over the last few years, we had discussions with the other Christian Orders, who were having similar reductions in numbers in their events, and decided to change this event to become a Combined Christian Orders Ladies Night. This was organised this year by the Royal Order of Scotland and was held at Winchester Masonic Centre. This was a great success and was enjoyed immensely by all present, with excellent musical entertainment.  My grateful thanks go to Ill Kt Jon Whitaker and his secretarial team, who made all the arrangements for this event.

The bi-annual Christian Orders Family evensong took place this year on the 12th June 2022, at the wonderful venue of St Cross Church near Winchester. 

St Cross Church was built at the same time as Winchester Cathedral and by the same stone masons. It is part of the oldest active Alms Houses in the Country.

We were supported by the other Christian Orders, and I extend my grateful thanks to them for attending. About 60 attended the service this year with approximately 50 joining us for High Tea afterwards in the Alms House Refectory. Although down in numbers from previous years, it was a wonderful afternoon, very much enjoyed by all present.

You are all aware that the collection today will go to our Divisional Relief Chest.

Having made a substantial donation (of £5000) to the Grand Sovereigns “Care for Children’s Fund” at our Sesquicentenary meeting, we need to build up the Divisional Relief Chest again to be able to make donations to a number of charities in the future. I would like to thank the Conclaves who have made contributions to the Relief Chest during the last Masonic Year.

Worthy Knights, the last year as your Intendant-General, has been stimulating, encouraging, challenging and above all most enjoyable. You are all well aware that we are a truly Christian Order and it should be emphasised throughout our sojourns as a members of this order. In fact we should emphasise it in our recruitment so that no candidate should ever arrive at his installation in any doubt as to the relationship between the Order and his Christian beliefs.

Worthy Knights may I thank you all for attending today. My thanks go to Mark, Robert, Roger and Chris for organising today; and the staff at Botley for the meal to come. I look forward to working with you in the next year and we part with the watchwords of our wonderful Order:


God bless you all

R.Ill.Kt. Steven Groeger 
25th June 2022