Steven Groeger

Steven Groeger

Regalia available

RCC Grand Officers Sash

The Divisional Warden of Regalia,  P. Kt. Peter Gilham, has several items regalia (mainly second hand) which is available for purchase.  The table below shows what regalia he has available with the cost.   If you would like to purchase any…

Red Cross of Constantine Lectures


On Saturday, 28 March 2020, R.Ill.Kt. Marc Burton, the then Intendant-General for Transvaal, Orange Free State and Northern Cape (now South Africa), despatched a first mini-lecture to all the members of the Red Cross of Constantine in South Africa. The…

A Puissant Knight’s visit to Rome

Submitted by P.Kt. Andy Milligan. RCC437 and 450 On a recent holiday to Rome, I was really delighted to be able to stop by the impressive Arch of Constantine whilst on a walking tour with my wife. The triumphal arch…

Grand Imperial Conclave Appointments 2023-24

RCC Grand Officers Sash

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the following appointments have been made in Grand Imperial Conclave:- – Ill. Kt. John Herbert Prizeman promoted to the active rank of Grand Senior General – Ill. Kt. Jonathan Charles Whitaker promoted to…