Category News

Christian Orders Church Service

On Sunday 9th June, the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Combined Christian Orders Church Service was held at the wonderful venue of St Cross Church near Winchester.   St Cross Church was built at the same time as Winchester Cathedral…

Companion Orders Pageant

On Thursday 25th April 2024, representatives from several of the Companion Orders were invited to attend Richard Bond Craft Lodge to introduce the members of the lodge and the visitors to their respective Orders. Those in attendance were, from left…

Grand Sovereigns Conclave No.500

On Wednesday 10th April 2024 the Grand Sovereigns Conclave No. 500 met at Surbiton Masonic Centre in Surrey. The Conclave meets twice a year, first in October at Mark Masons Hall for the installation meeting and the second in April…

Pageant Evenings

There are several Craft meetings taking place this year at which the Companion Orders, including the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine, will be introduced to the lodge members and visitors.  The dates of these meeting are: Thursday 25th…

Regalia available

RCC Grand Officers Sash

The Divisional Warden of Regalia,  P. Kt. Peter Gilham, has several items regalia (mainly second hand) which is available for purchase.  The table below shows what regalia he has available with the cost.   If you would like to purchase any…