Christian Orders Church Service

On Sunday 9th June, the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Combined Christian Orders Church Service was held at the wonderful venue of St Cross Church near Winchester.


St Cross Church was built at the same time as Winchester Cathedral and by the same stone masons. It is part of the oldest active Alms Houses in the Country.


The Church Service was organised by the Order of the Red Cross of Constantine and was supported by eight different Masonic orders. The church was filled with over 90 members and their families from those different orders.

The members and their family took their seats in the church and on the stroke of 3pm the Clergy and the Heads of the Orders processed into the Church in a very colourful fashion with each wearing the regalia of their order

The service was then  given by the Divisional High Prelate with assistance from the Master of St Cross. The address was given by the High Prelate in which he mentioned the service men and women who had given their lives 80 years earlier on D-Day.


Following the service, the clergy led the procession out of the church, after which over 70 people gathered in the Brethren’s Hall for afternoon tea, cakes and lots of friendly conversation.


Everyone had a thoroughly enjoyable time and are looking forward to the next Combined Christian Orders Church Service in 2026.