Divisional Conclave Meeting – June 24th 2023

On a very warm and humid Saturday in June (24th) many Worthy Knights from the Division as well as guests from other Divisions  met at the Brook House Masonic Centre in Botley for the annual Divisional Conclave meeting for the Red Cross of Constantine for Hampshire and Isle of Wight.

Many of the guests had travelled great distances and on arrival availed themselves some tea and coffee and some scrumptious bacon rolls, whilst welcoming and chatting with Worthy Knights that they had not seen in a while.

Once the rehearsals were completed the Worthy Knights took their seats in the Conclave. The Right Illustrious Knights (Intendant Generals from other Divisions) entered in procession followed by a procession of the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Divisional officers and the Intendant General, Right Illustrious Knight Steven Groeger.

The Divisional Conclave meeting was opened and the Divisional High Prelate then gave a wonderful rededication ceremony.

The Intendant General then welcomed all the guests and visitors, of which there were from other Divisions, 8 Intendants General, 6 Deputy Intendants General and 3 Divisional Recorders. He also welcomed the Heads of Orders from within the Division an d several other distinguished guests.

Following all the normal Divisional business, the Intendant General was pleased to re-appoint his Deputy Intendant General, Very Illustrious Knight Kevin Todd, MBE and his Divisional Eusebius, Illustrious Knight Tony Bargrove. He then proceeded to invest all the other Divisional Officers including their Captain, Deputy Captain and members of the Divisional Sepulchre guard.

The Intendant General then stood to address Divisional Conclave, during which he made reference to the need for everyone to recruit into this wonderful order and to not leave it to only a few members.  He then raised the topic of charity and a phrase that has been heard m any times from the Craft and Mark Provincial Grand Masters, which is “We are all in this together”. He then requested that the Illustrious Knight Jonathan Whitaker, the Craft Provincial Grand Master and Puissant Knight Nigel Wilkinson, the Mark Provincial Grand Charity Steward be presented to him. He informed the Worthy Knights that these two Orders were in Festival at the present with Mark festival being in 2026 and the Craft festival in 2027.  Right Illustrious Knight Steven Groeger then presented them with a cheque for £1000 towards their respective festivals. The recipients then thanked the Intendant General and the Worthy Knights of the Division for the very kind and generous donations towards the festivals.

Following the closure of Divisional Conclave the attendees adjourned for a well needed drink before enjoying a lovely luncheon. Everyone then departed having had a very enjoyable day and hoping for a safe and incident free journey back to their respective homes.