Field Promotion

RCC Grand Officers Sash

At the Sesquicentenary meeting, Ill. Kt. John Makin was honoured with a field promotion to the rank of Past Grand Junior General by the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign.

Unfortunately John was unable to be in attendance at the meeting so was not able to receive this honour in person.

The Intendant General, Rt. Ill. Kt. Steven Groeger and the Deputy Intendant General, V. Ill. Kt. Kevin Todd, made a surprise visit to Ill. Kt John in his care home to thank John for all the hard work he performed in researching and pulling together all the information that has been included in the Divisional History booklet.

Ill. Kt. John was presented with a copy of the Divisional History and a Sesquicentenary lapel pin.

He was then surprised with the letter from the Grand Sovereign informing him of his field promotion. John was very overcome reading the letter and after a moment of stunned silence he stated that it was not very often that he was lost for words but this was one of those moment. He thanks the Grand Sovereign and everyone that had a hand in getting him this honour.

We all wish John the very best and look forward to seeing him out and about at a Red Cross of Constantine meeting in the near future.