Grand Imperial Conclave Appointments 2023-24

It gives me great pleasure to inform you that the following appointments have been made in Grand Imperial Conclave:-

– Ill. Kt. John Herbert Prizeman promoted to the active rank of Grand Senior General
Ill. Kt. Jonathan Charles Whitaker promoted to the active rank of Grand Junior General

– Ill. Kt. Gordon Lee Robinson promoted to the rank of Past Grand High Almoner
– Ill. Kt. Michael Leslie Fuller promoted to the rank of Past Grand Standard Bearer (C)

– P. Kt. Malcolm Stuart Whiston appointed to the rank of Past Grand Warden of Regalia

I congratulate them all for their service to the Red Cross Order and corresponding recognition by the Grand Sovereign.

I look forward to seeing them receive their honours at the Grand Imperial Conclave meeting in July.

With fraternal regards and best wishes in Faith Unity and Zeal

R.Ill.Kt. Steven Groeger 