Regalia available

The Divisional Warden of Regalia,  P. Kt. Peter Gilham, has several items regalia (mainly second hand) which is available for purchase. 

The table below shows what regalia he has available with the cost.  

ItemsFull PriceAvailable Stock
(as at Dec 2023)
Red CrossKt’s Sash£35.001
Kt’s Jewel£20.001
Sov’s Jewel£35.000
Appendant OrdersKt’s Sash£70.000
Kt’s Jewel£22.000
Sov’s Sash£90.000
Sov’s Jewel£50.000
Divisional Sash£100.000
Grand Sash£160.002
Grand Collarette & Jewel£90.003
Golden Eagle & Crown1
Lapel Pins£5.508
Ritual #1£7.009
Ritual #2£7.006
Ritual #3£4.005
Ritual #4£4.005

If you would like to purchase any of these items please contact P. Kt. Peter Gilham. via email: or telephone: 07776 468698