Sesquicentenary Meeting

On Saturday 13th November the Division held an especial meeting at the Botley Masonic Centre to celebrate the Sesquicentenary of the Division.  There were many W. Kt’s of the Division and honoured guests from other Division in attendance.

The meeting  was honoured by a visit from the Grand Sovereign, Most Illustrious Knight, Graham Flight, and the Deputy Grand Sovereign, Peter Hawken, who were accompanied by a team of Grand Officers. 

The Grand Sovereign was attending the meeting to confirm in office the new Intendant General, Right Illustrious Knight Steven Groeger as well as to assist in the Sesquicentenary celebrations for both the Division and for Naval & Military Conclave No. 35. 

Having entered the Divisional Conclave meeting the Grand Sovereign welcomed all present and gave a brief explanation on his visit. 

A couple of Illustrious Knights were unable to attend the Grand Imperial Conclave meeting in October and the Grand Sovereign greeted them individually and congratulated them on their appointment. Those receiving honours were Ill. KT. Michael  Goody and Ill. Kt. Mark Gannaway. 

Right Illustrious Knight Roger Bricknell, was invested with his regalia as a Knight Commander of Constantine, due to his unavoidable absence at the Grand Imperial Conclave meeting due to Covid. This is a great honour, that is given to only a few, for many years of service to the Order. It was therefore a very special occasion to see Roger receive this honour within the Divisional meeting. 

The Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign then proceeded to confirm in office Rt. Ill. Kt. Steven Groeger as the Intendant General of the Division of Hampshire and Isle of Wight. Rt. Ill. Kt. Steven was obligated, invested and placed in his seat and then presented with the his patent of appointment as well as the Bye-Laws of the Division and the Statutes of Grand Imperial Conclave.

Having been confirmed in office the Intendant General proceeded to confirm in office his Deputy Intendant General, V. Ill. Kt Kevin Todd MBE, who was likewise obligated, invested and placed in his seat  and then presented with the his patent of appointment.

Following the confirmation in office of the Intendant General and the Deputy Intendant General the Most Illustrious Grand Sovereign resumed the chair to continue with the Sesquicentenary Celebrations of the Division and the Naval and Military Conclave.

The Divisional High Prelate gave a short oration on the sesquicentenary meeting which was followed by a short history of the 150 years of the Division, which was followed by a brief history of the Division. A celebratory certificate was presented to the Intendant General by the Grand Sovereign. The proceedings then moved to the sesquicentenary of Naval and Military Conclave No. 35 for which a brief history of conclave was given. The Deputy Grand Sovereign then presented the Most Puissant Sovereign of the Conclave with their Sesquicentenary Warrant. 

Before relinquishing the chair the Grand Sovereign requested that Ill.Kt. Terrence Bruty was presented to him. The Grand Sovereign presented Ill. Kt. Terry with a certificate to celebrate his 60 years in Red Cross masonry, an achievementthat not many attain. Ill. Kt. Terry was also honoured with a field promotion by the Grand Sovereign to the rank of Past Grand Junior General. 

The Grand Sovereign was also pleased to present a field promotion of Past Grand Junior General to Ill. Kt. John Makin for his 90th birthday and for all the work he had done within the Division especially the all research etc that he had done to produce the Divisional history. Ill. Kt. John was unable to be at the meeting but the Grand Sovereign announced his appointment as it was to be presented to him on a future occasion by the Intendant General.

That completed a very full meeting and the Intendant General thanked the Grand Sovereign for all the work he had performed and presented him with a Sesquicentenary lapel pin and a copy of the Divisional history (all attendees and members of the Division received these at the after proceedings). The Intendant General also presented a substantial cheque to the Grand Sovereign for his Fund for Children, which provides support to children which is essential especially in these days of Covid.

Everyone enjoyed the meeting and also the after proceedings and went away happy from the meeting. 

Lets look forward to the next 50 years and to the celebration of 200 years of the Division.